Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Media Power

First of all i am sorry for not writing for so long. I deeply apologize for that.In this post i want to talk about the media ,which in today's scenario is immensely powerful that an elephant giving birth is telecasted on television as breaking news .We have 24 hrs non stop news channels.This powerful media is wasted , this can be said because the criminals are captured by media committing the crime,but the criminals are roaming freely even when their acts are broadcasted on the so called 24 hrs news channels which show every sort of nonsense on the pretext of a 24 hr channel.I have nothing against the news channel but i am disappointed on the matter fact that media power is going waste say for example CNG prices are raised the opposition party sits on Dharna sets national property on fire ,it is captured by media and still nothing is done, This is one just example there are thousand more.if the evidence is there why the action is not taken.????????

After a mind boggling exercise i come up with a very obvious answer "THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT" .

What do you think people???????????????


  1. Ok.. sumit as far as i know.. its just not only about criminals.. It goes beyond.. Media is really a great power in a country like ours.. dont really know whether system is corrupt or not.. but i have seen how media control is done in a country like china..
    Chinese have great control over media.. every adv. is shown in such a way in which form it should be put in front of audience..
    One thing about media is they show what general public want.. so a lot depends on us also..

  2. Ha!! Aren't we all in the same boat?? You are absolutely right!! Mass media, especially the 24 hr news channels need to clean up their act.
    Their justification is that they are just mirroring what the society actually is.
    Sumit, which channel do you think will have more viewership? A channel that shows an elephant giving birth or a channel showing an analysis and implications of the President of Belgium being chosen to head the EU???
