Sunday, July 19, 2009

Social Issues

Well this is my first experience of writing a blog. Well a thing that is bothering me for days , i thought to write about it. The issue is about the social issues women rather young girls are facing these days, the issue of being pressurized by their parents to get married as soon as they complete their education. I being an MBA student have seen it in my college what to talk about small colleges at small places. The people from metros are also following this culture. I don't know why do their parents don't allow them to grow in their career , and to add to their troubles are grandparents with slangs like Kudi 24 saal ki ho gayi hai iski shaadi kr do, abhi kar lo nhn to problem ho jaegi.They begin the process of arrange marriages where a girl is showed to a guy as if she is a commodity.The parents argue that they will get to know each other after marriage , i ask them in this fast faced life do they actually get time to know each other . I am not trying to advertise the concept of love story but just trying to bring out the fact that don' t they have the right to choose her life life partner. Well according to me the trouble of a girl doesn't end after marriage also ,she is pressurized for a child. I ask a question to the parents why do they spend lakhs of rupees on her education ??, if marriage is the sole aim then give that money to Bride & Groom to enjoy their lives. It is not that i am against the concept of arrange marriages but i have seen young girls suffering because of the marriage at the time where their carrer is important. I want to quote various incidents like two of my friends were given an ultimatum by their parents that if you are not able to clear the MBA entrances we will get you married . If the educated parents in india have this mindset what to say about the uneducated lot. I am really worried about this issue which is prevelant in our society.


  1. I think allmost everyone will agree on this issue and we need to take care of this..Even I have experienced the same.. Aditya Chadha

  2. u r so rt buddy !!! i mean it wd be so weird calling my pretty girl friends 6mths after our MBA n asking for them something like
    Caller(me):"could i speak to Anjy(Anjela)"
    Reciever: sorry , wrong no.
    Caller: Hey wait, i meant Anjela
    Receiver: Oh u mean Mrs.Anjela Roy!!!
    Caller: Ya...(of course embarrassed)
    Quite evidently that would be the end of my relationship with Mrs. Anjela Roy.
    crap, feels uhhh!!!

    NOTE- all characters in this short story are fictitious and bear no resemblance to any person living or dead !!!


  3. Sumit you have raised issues that are so deeply ingrained in our social structure that it seems almost impossible to isolate them and remove them.
    For starters, it is a mass mindset that was created as a response to the situation in times gone by.
    There was a time when the some of the most burining isues facing you guys did not even exist! Career, Love Marriages, Relationships . . . . . .
    Things were simpler and that meant that women did not have much to bother in life. So an age that seems early today did not seem like that then.
    Another reason was based on a scientific fact. in the absence of health care facilities like the ones you see in big cities and towns, the infant mortality rate and even the maternal mortality rate was high.
    So society needed all the time to make sure that there will be a healthy next generation. Even today, in remote villages and regions, a similar situation exists.
    the last reason why early marriages were a norm was social in nature. for all intents and purposes, in patriarchal and male dominated socities, a young unmarried woman needed protection. At a time when invasions and change of guard was common, women folk too were considered "wealth" and within the purview of "loot"!
    now all this has been going on for centuries!! We have had only six decades as an independent country and I guess the changes have already started. I would say, lets give ourselves some more time!!

  4. First things first...
    Congratulations! on starting your blog...
    ...And you write with so much feeling that every word you say rings true. Keep it up. I will certainly be looking forward to more posts on 'Platform for Interaction'.
    You have raised a very pertinent issue.
    Someone has said that there are three major milestones in life - birth, marriage and death.
    Once you are married you are left with only one to look forward to.

  5. hey too great sumit well done, i sincerely agrees wid u but their are also few parents like mine are who never compell me for any damn thing in life but of course ur point of discussion is almost true in 95% of educated parents as well.As future managres we can't only talk about problems we need to find solutions. to my mind girls can better do something regarding that issue if they can argue their parents for love marriges they can too argue for generous issue as career. i have seen issues where girls threatning their parents for suicide if they don't agree to get her married to the person of her choice and parents agree...............all in all parents always want you to be successful in all we need toi do is to put our actions in to right direction...........

  6. hey sumit...congrats buddy for ur new blog..nd trust me..whatever u wrote in ur blog shows how mature u r...analyzing and understanding such an issue is in itself commendable.. am proud of u!!!

  7. Hi Sumit !!!

    You've raised a very important issue & i totally agree with ur viewpoint. Women should be time to build their carreer. This will not only prove to be beneficial for their carreer but will also boost their morale and will help them to lead a better life. I have also seen such things in the society and often it boggles my mind that what is the use of providing such a good and expensive education when they are not given enough time to make their carreer.

